Dr. Naima Jutha
Northwest Territories
Chief Veterinary Officer
Dr. Naima Jutha graduated with Distinction from the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Ontario in 2015. She practiced small animal veterinary medicine on Vancouver Island, British Columbia before pursuing her graduate studies through the Universities of Calgary and Guelph. Naima is currently completing her PhD thesis on multi-disciplinary health surveillance of Northern Mountain caribou through the Ontario Veterinary College, Department of Pathobiology.
In September 2020, Naima started her position as the Territorial Wildlife Veterinarian with the Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and as Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) for the Northwest Territories. In this role, Naima is the senior authority on wildlife health research, monitoring, and management for the Northwest Territories, and offers support to the overall population health, management, conservation, and human and traditional economic-use of wildlife in the territory. As CVO, Naima works in partnership with other local veterinarians, the territory’s public and environmental health sectors, neighbouring Canadian jurisdictions, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to monitor emerging concerns around animal health and welfare, and to provide support in areas such as food safety and security, disease outbreak response, emergency planning, and ongoing animal health surveillance.